Why Your Breath is So Important When Practicing Pilates

Importance of breath

The Importance of Breathwork While Practicing Pilates.

Hey there, Pilates enthusiast! Let’s talk about something that might seem simple but is oh-so-powerful: breath work during Pilates exercises!

You see, when you hear “breath work,” you might think it’s just about inhaling and exhaling as you move, but it’s way more than that! It’s like the secret sauce that takes your Pilates practice to a whole new level.

Imagine this: every time you take a deep breath, you’re giving your body a burst of energy and oxygen. And guess what? Your muscles absolutely adore that! When you breathe deeply and fully during Pilates, you’re oxygenating your muscles, which helps them work better and recover faster. It’s like giving your body a VIP treatment!

But that’s not all – oh, no! The magic of breathwork doesn’t stop there. When you synchronize your breath with your movements, you create this beautiful dance between your body and mind. It’s like they’re doing a tango together, in perfect harmony!

You know those moments when life feels hectic and stressful? Well, here comes the superhero breathwork to save the day! It’s an instant stress-buster! Deep breathing during Pilates exercises activates your parasympathetic nervous system – the one responsible for relaxation. So, you can wave goodbye to those tension knots and hello to a calm and centered you!

And hey, let’s not forget about your core – the powerhouse of Pilates!

Your breath is like the trusty sidekick, supporting your core engagement. When you exhale on those challenging movements, you naturally engage your core muscles, giving you stability and control. It’s like having your very own cheerleader, encouraging you to power through each exercise!

So, the next time you roll out your mat for a Pilates session, remember this: every inhale brings you strength, every exhale brings you stability, and together they bring you a sense of peace and focus. It’s like a Zen master and a superhero rolled into one!

Alright, Pilates warrior, take a deep breath in and let’s flow through those exercises like a graceful river. Embrace the power of breathwork, and your Pilates practice will reach new heights of blissful connection and strength! You’ve got this


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How Pilates Improves Alignment and Spinal Health

Hey there! So, let’s talk about something that often gets overlooked but plays a massive role in our overall well-being: good posture! You know, that thing your mom always nagged you about when you were younger? Turns out, she was right!

Having good posture isn’t just about looking poised and confident (though that’s a nice bonus!). It’s essential for our physical health too. Picture this: when you maintain proper alignment, your bones, muscles, and joints all work together in harmony. This means less strain on your body and a reduced risk of those pesky aches and pains.

Now, you might be wondering, “Okay, but how do I actually improve my posture?”

That’s where Pilates swoops in like a superhero! Pilates is a fantastic method for addressing posture issues, and here’s why:

First off, Pilates is all about the mind-body connection. It’s not just a mindless workout; it’s about being aware of how your body moves and understanding the mechanics of good posture. During Pilates sessions, you’ll learn to engage your core, which acts like a natural corset, supporting your spine and keeping you standing tall like a majestic tree!

Breathing is another crucial aspect of Pilates that ties in with posture. By focusing on deep, diaphragmatic breathing, you’ll oxygenate your body better, and that can have a positive impact on your muscles and, you guessed it, your posture! Check out the purpose of the “Hundred” for more on that!

Oh, and guess what? Pilates can be your secret weapon against the modern-day villain: the sedentary lifestyle. You know, all that sitting at desks, slouching on the couch, and staring at screens. Pilates exercises are designed to counteract those bad habits, helping you undo the damage from hours of hunching over your computer.

One of the coolest things about Pilates is that it works on your entire body.

It’s not just about targeting specific muscles; it’s a full-body experience. When you strengthen your core, back, and supporting muscles, you’ll create a sturdy foundation for maintaining proper alignment throughout the day.

Plus, Pilates is a low-impact exercise, making it accessible to people of all fitness levels and ages. It’s gentle on your joints but still incredibly effective in improving flexibility, balance, and coordination. So whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting your wellness journey, Pilates has got your back—literally!

And here’s a little bonus for you: Pilates can do wonders for your confidence. When you feel stronger and more balanced, you’ll naturally carry yourself with more poise and self-assurance. People might start asking, “Hey, have you been hitting the catwalk lately? You’re walking like a superstar!”

So there you have it! Good posture isn’t just a stuffy etiquette rule from days of yore; it’s a modern-day necessity for a healthier and happier you. And Pilates? Well, it’s the trusty sidekick that will help you stand tall, breathe deeply, and rock that superhero posture in your everyday life!

So, are you ready to take on the world with your newfound Pilates-powered posture? You’ll thank me later! 😊


First Trimester Pilates Exercises to Minimize Nausea!

First Trimester Pilates Exercises to Minimize Nausea!

First Trimester Pilates Exercises to minimize Nausea!

Congratulations Mamma! You’re Pregnant! Such an exciting and nerve-wracking time in a woman’s life. All the things you cant do, eat, all the rules that need to be followed. But often the scariest part is that first trimester. With the high rate of pregnancy-related issues exercise can seem daunting, but first trimester Pilates can be a lifesaver!

If you’re like me, you probably are experiencing extreme nausea and the thought of moving is revolting. As crazy as this sounds, exercise will actually make you feel better.

But first, be smart lovely, ease yourself into a workout. Do as much as you can and listen to your body!

Nausea hit me all throughout the day so I walked and did these exercises the first few weeks. Good luck beauty, remember these workouts are so you feel better, not worse.

Here are a few Pilates exercises I suggest once the Dr. clears you to start working out.

I always tell clients to wait until after their first OB visit. Once you’re cleared, come back to this list.

first trimester pilates

Here we go


Yep, I said it squats. They are the best at warming the body up and getting you ready for delivery.

Watch your balance! Do 10 reps of parallel feet and then low pulses.

Next, pelvic curl in a squat position. 8-10

Simply Curl your pelvis in the squat position. Pubic bone toward your nose, then tailbone away from you. I like to do these in the squat position 8 to 10 times, then stand.

Lastly, plea squat or ballet squat for the inner thigh. 8-10 flat feet. and 8-10 high toes. don’t forget your pulses.

Ab Series

Toe taps, 8-10 alternating legs.

Then both legs for another 10 reps.

Single leg stretch into scissors followed by roll-up or half roll down 8 -10. Ending with a spine stretch forward.


Quadruped Position

Get on all fours and let’s breathe. Take a few deep inhales and exhales

Arm and leg extensions. Depending on your ability you can start with just the arms or just the leg and add both. Make sure you are alternating arm and leg. So right arm left leg.

Adding leg circles, small ones the size of a tennis ball is a great advancement. It also works the core. Rotate the leg 10 in each direction switch legs.

I like to imagine I am drawing a circle with my big toe on the back of the wall.

This is a take it easy kind of workout

You never know how you’re going to feel so start with it and go from there. The first trimester is a tough one at best so good luck mamma.

Seriously, Just move and just breathe!

Take Care lovely,


PS. If you like this post, you will love 5 Amazing Stretches you can do on the TRX.

5 Amazing Stretches you can do on the TRX.

5 Amazing Stretches you can do on the TRX.

5 Amazing Stretches You can Do on the TRX!

Did you know Pilates and TRX complement each other? As an instructor to both, I find them to be amazing when combined. Not only do both of them work your butt off but they both provide amazing stretches!

My youngest kiddo asked me the other day, Mom, why do you stretch… its sooo boring. And seriously I think so many people can relate. They simply don’t take the time to do something so powerful for their body.

A stretch is a great healer!

Your body needs it, craves it, and will thank you for it. After contracting our muscles all day, either from stress, tension, or similar movements, the muscles need a way to release.

Something as simple as sitting at your desk all day can contract your muscles in the wrong direction. Without the stretch, the body starts developing akes and pains as a warning sign saying PLEASE MOVE!

Here are 5 of my favorite stretches you can do on the TRX

Spine stretch forward

This classic Pilates stretch is part of the beginner foundation work we do in Pilates. It’s so beneficial for the back and hamstrings. However, the arms and lat’s get a stretch as well. 


Flying eagle

This is an amazing back extension exercise in the advanced Pilates system, but when using the TRX we can keep it just a stretch with some assistance. Great for a night routine or for someone who sits at a computer all day. 



Cat stretch

We all are familiar with this well-known yoga stretch. The TRX acts as an assist and helps the body articulate as the spine rolls. Check it out it’s another winner for bedtime or anytime stretches.

Piriformis stretch

Another stretch that helps the lower back and glutes. This stretch is a slice of heaven for anyone! 

Side leg stretches

Oh, how I love the Pilates side leg stretch series. These stretches are for you if you have restless leg syndrome, tight hamstrings, or even painful knees!



There are many more but these are great for a quick pick me up or off to bed routine.

Try sprinkling them in, during your regular workout routine and I promise your body will thank you!

Good luck mamma, your off to a strong body.



If you like this post check out 5 Simple Foam Roller Exercises to Stretch the Back Chest & Hips.

Tighten your postpartum tummy with this one Pilates trick.

Tighten your postpartum tummy with this one Pilates trick.

Tighten your Postpartum tummy with this one Pilates trick.

Ever wonder why it is so hard to get rid of the extra fat around the stomach after having children? Maybe you even devoured every article and every workout all claiming to shrink your stomach. Maybe someone even told you to try Pilates and you still were frustrated. Well, I’m here to teach you how to tighten your postpartum tummy with this Pilates technique, and how to actually apply it every day.

There is a little-known secret in the Pilates world called ” The Powerhouse”  This refers to your core. I’ll explain more in a minute. In the fitness world, you may have heard the term “vacuum technique” They are essentially the same thing. What makes it more effective in Pilates is, we apply the technique through the whole workout, not just a few minutes a day.

So what is the “powerhouse”?

Your powerhouse is the trunk of the body. Shoulders, ribs, abdominals, and pelvis. All of this work together to keep you balanced, strong and in control. Our primary goal in Pilates is to work the Powerhouse! Aka, your postpartum tummy! Often, you will hear the term “Powerhouse in and up” or “pull your abs in and up” and that my dear, is where all the work is. Learn how to do this during your whole workout and you will see success super quick!

How do you actually pull the abs in and up? Especially when you can’t feel them anymore!

Get ready to have your mind blown! Just kidding no stick with me here. The best way to learn this is to lay on your back on the hard floor, (so not your bed) and bend the knees.

 Place your hands on the abdominals and take a deep breath.

While breathing in, imagine there is a string in the back of your belly button and you are pulling it to the spine and moving it up your back. It will feel like you are sucking in but you won’t be because you are going to hold this position while you breathe. Also, sucking in completely omits the action of lifting up. The key reason why some do not progress in their practice.

So as you exhale, try your best to keep that belly in and up. When you exhale, if the abs are still in the position you will feel them engage.

Bam! Feel THAT?

While this all sounds super easy on paper, actually applying it is super challenging. Add breathing and moving to the equation and you’re ready to quit…and it’s the first exercise!

I encourage you to try this at home on its own for a few days. Simply apply the above technique and practice for 10 minutes a day. When you feel like you can hold the abs in and up while continuing to breathe, then you are ready to apply it to movement. Feel free to take any of these exercises in this post to practice with. The best Pilates exercises to tighten your mom bum.

Don’t worry if you can’t feel it at first!

All my c-section mammas I’m talking to you. I know you may be thinking, I can’t feel it! Why can’t I feel it and will I ever get my abs back? I know this is so frustrating for you but I assure you, if you keep with this exercise you will soon see a difference. You need to be especially forgiving of your body and yourself. This will take time and consistency is key!

So when you are ready, and can completely understand how to hold your abs in and up and hold them while you breathe, start to do some basic movements and see how the exercise changes.

This is a basic fundamental of Pilates and sadly so many people somehow miss it. Don’t let that be you, make your Pilates workout challenging and successful every time.

My last thought, Ok I have to say it.. you already know this but it’s true. Abs are made in the kitchen so many people have amazing abs hiding under a layer of fat because of their diet. I had this problem for a while because I wasn’t planning meals and was eating what the kiddos were eating. I started using these weekly meal plans and life simply got easier when it came to diet. I am not good at planning healthy meals and this was perfect.  I also switched over to this protein powder for my shakes. It’s all organic and plant-based. So no whey or soy super fabulous I don’t feel bloated and its super creamy.

There you have it, the key ingredient to drawing the abs in and not out. Good luck and keep breathing!



How to Alleviate Pain During Plank!

How to Alleviate Pain During Plank!

How to alleviate pain during plank!

It seems as though the plank has been creeping into all forms of fitness these days. It’s not just practised in the Yoga and Pilates studios anymore and for a good reason! It’s challenging and it works! However, way too many people are experiencing pain during their plank.

I used to be one of those people, leaning into my shoulders, sinking my hips, holding my breath. Sound familiar? It wasn’t until I was deep in my practice that I truly learned how to do it correctly.

The Plank is an exercise all my clients dread at one point or another and it doesn’t have to be.

It’s no joke when done correctly it challenges the entire body.  It not only builds strength but requires it as well. Injuries often occur during the plank due to lack of strength and improper form. Here are a few ways to alleviate pain so you can progress and not get injured.

First, why is it so hard?

Plank literally challenges your entire body, from the head to the toes. So, it’s easy to overcompensate when strength is being built.

In the larger class setting, I commonly see clients “push through plank” in other words, they don’t want anyone seeing them do the “modified” position. So… off they go to holding a plank that is stressing their neck, inflicting pain in the wrists, crunching the shoulders, compressing the lower back and not even engaging the abs.

That is, of course, an extreme case. Many people know how to do plank and are even in the right form. But they may still be experiencing some pain and are confused as to why.

So in an effort to help you progress and develop an empowering amount of strength, I invite you to

“Rate your plank“.

Step 1: Rate your Plank


Take a picture of yourself holding the best plank you can do. (Or have someone take it for you)

Next… look at the image with unbiased eyes. We will analyze the plank in stages.


Ok, so you have taken the picture, now what?


Let’s start with the head and work our way down the body. We first analyze the arms.

Kathy Grant ( an amazing Pilates Instructor) taught the Key Hole Arm. She had the analogy of when you put the key into the lock, you turn it to the right, moving the shoulder away from the ear. This holds the shoulder down creating a naturally long neck. Do the same with the left arm and you should be in proper alignment in the upper body.


Ribs and Shoulders


When looking down the body, what is happening between the shoulder blades in the upper back area? Sometimes this is a structural/ spinal situation where the spine naturally is Kyphotic ( where it appears to be rounded) and sometimes we are pushing so much in our arms that we are creating this rounding effect in the back.

To fix this, activate the triceps more and relax the upper back into the ribs. Allowing the lats ( sides of your back) to stabilize you. When doing this, the body will be fully supported in the upper body.

Never force anything! If you practice this alignment you will not have to be forceful.

pilates plank



In Pilates, when we talk about core, we are looking at the entire pelvic region on up to the shoulder blades

Same goes for the plank. Let’s make our way down the body and start to look at the pubic bone or tailbone and see what way they are pointing. If the pubic bone is tucked toward the abdomen… Way to go!!! Good Job, you are protecting the back!

If not, think of it as a seat belt.  Try to connect the pubic bone to the belly button. This will turn the tailbone down, away from the ceiling creating a greater connection in the core.


Feet or Knees


Take a look at the feet if you are in a traditional plank. A trick to keep the power in the entire body instead of sections is to press the heels of the feet together activating the inner thighs. Try to keep the weight even on the balls of the feet and wrists. Same goes if you are in the modification, (on your knees).


So… What’s your rank? How did you do?

Remember, the plank is an exercise we work on continuously. It is a mind-body exercise. We have to pay attention to details in plank so we do not experience pain in the wrists, neck, shoulders,  knees, or back. Plank is one of the most effective ways to develop internal strength quickly.

Now that you have rated your plank, think about where you were overcompensating.

Now that you know where you are in terms of form, The next step is to find out why your form is this way and how to fix it.

If you are happy with the results, the next step is to challenge yourself with balancing with a leg or arm up, without altering the position.

Good luck and keep rating your plank!







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