Is my protein powder making me fat?

Is my protein powder making me fat?

Are you drinking protein powder and wondering why you are not losing weight? Do you feel bloated after drinking your shake? Or are you suddenly craving more sugar?

It just may be that you are consuming the wrong protein powder. I have tried many protein powder brands in the past and all left me wondering why I was feeling bloated and starving.

Why some protein powders make you feel bloated.

Many of the manufacturers use Whey protein witch is made of lactose. Usually, we experience gas, bloating, and stomach cramps because we are intolerant of lactose which is the main carb in whey protein. Combine that with cow milk and you’ve got a nice inflammation system going on inside of you. Not to mention, extra calories. Not all whey proteins are bad. Whey isolate can be a good option for some and many use them especially if they know there is a dairy sensitivity.

Over the years I have personally had better results with pea protein. And I am not a vegetarian!

Many people get nervous that pea protein is going to taste disgusting so they reach for brands loaded with fillers without even thinking about it. 

Are you suddenly craving sugar?

There can be as much as 23 grams of sugar per scoop in your mix! Or it’s much more sneaky, many of the popular protein powders are full of artificial sugar and sweeteners. These sugars are chock full of chemicals. Yuck! In order to stay clear from bloating, I always look for the carb count and sugar source! Watch out for these substitutes…Sucralose, Saccharin, Aspartame, Advantame and Acesulfame K. 

Most dietitians would agree Stevia is a good choice. However, Manuka honey is by far the best!

So what you should be looking for in a quality protein powder?

The protein source! Did you know not all whey powders are created equal?

Basic knowledge of the ingredients, if you can’t say, read, or understand the ingredients. You should not ingest them! Some things like Ashwagandha may be unfamiliar to you, but that doesn’t sound like a chemical and that is because it’s not. It’s an herb that many companies use to aid in anti-inflammatory properties. Ashwagandha is actually a wonderful addition to protein powder.

Organic ingredients

Real food! No more synthetic crap!

This protein powder had undergone some major tests! This company uses third-party labs to test its products for heavy metals, pathogens, and contaminants. Talk about going the extra mile.

Is there really a better time to drink your shake?

Some say to consume your powder before your work out. But let’s face it not all of us work out daily and simply just want to feel great. If you are drinking a quality powder, I say morning is best.

Remember, protein powders were originally made for weightlifters to gain weight, so you have to make sure you have purchased the right one! Yours may be full of calories and in that case, you will defiantly want to consume it in the morning. 

As a woman, I suggest a low-calorie, low-sugar, easy-to-digest powder. One that could replace a meal without depriving the body of nutrition. That being said, a quality shake can be breakfast. 

The benefit is, starting your day with great nutrition that makes you feel mentally and physically at your best.

Women should be drinking powder designed for them!

I said this already and here it is again. Not all protein powders are the same. That is why I drink this powder! It checks all the boxes above. Organic, non-GMO, quality ingredients, and little to no sugar content, that helps my diabetes.

I trust this product so much, I drank this powder just after having my youngest and all through breastfeeding.

I also dropped all my baby weight and felt great within a month.

Bottom line, unfortunately, we have to research what we put in our bodies. So, find a quality protein powder that makes your body happy! Stop putting crap in because it’s conveniently sold at Costco or Target. Or because it says KETO! Don’t trust the pretty package. Read the label.

Here is a link to what I use! Check it out! I have done the research and found this stuff is the bomb. I like the flavor and fully support the business.

If you already have a powder you love, you may like this post on new recipes!


How to boost your immune system today!

How to boost your immune system today!

How To Boost Your Immune System Today!

We all know vitamins help boost your immune system. but often, we don’t know the best ones or how much to take. Many of us succumb to a multivitamin that hardly brushes the surface of nutritional value.

Did you know the best way to boost your immune system is to eat your veggies?

Especially when we talk about vitamin C. The absolute best way to absorb this vitamin Is to eat citrus fruits and dark leafy greens like broccoli.

B vitamins are essential for immune building. They break down and release energy from food as well as keep the nervous system healthy. You can find B vitamins in chicken, fish, oatmeal, eggs, and milk.

Supplements are great, but they’re just that. A supplement! Unfortunately, so many people treat them as their main source of nutrition.

Because you take supplements does not mean you ditch healthy eating.

Sometimes we don’t get all we need through food!

We don’t all get enough vitamin D and its necessary that it’s added to the diet through supplementation. Vitamin D not only helps with immunity but also bones and emotional wellbeing.

Zinc is another mineral completely misunderstood. Zinc helps boost the immune system, helps with vision and maintaining healthy skin. Zinc is found in beans, asparagus, spinach, mushrooms, nuts, dark chocolate, beef, lamb, and shrimp. However, unless you’re eating a ton of oysters, your only getting roughly 35% of your daily value from these foods. Oysters are super high in zinc but who eats those on the regular? Right!

Elderberry is another immune booster. This sweet berry is known to help fight bad guys and increase immunity. It’s packed with antioxidants and vitamins. Elderberry helps lower inflammation, protects your heart and lessens stress.

How does inflammation play out on immune dysfunction?

Sadly, inflammation is a counter-reaction of a healthy immune system. If the body is fighting inflammation, then the immune system is working in overdrive to fight a fight it shouldn’t be in.

Common reasons for inflammation are stress/anxiety, poor earing habits,( like boxed foods.) Lack of physical fitness… you get the drill.

One of the main toxins that fight against the immune system is sugar! Sugar creates inflammation. Boo, I really love that stuff!

But here is the good news probiotics and teas like Dandelion or green tea help lower inflammation. Turmeric and apple cider vinegar is also great.

So while we are currently living in this historical pandemic, we should be filling our bellies with fruits and vegetables, listening to awesome inspirational music. We should be filling our minds with stories of Gods promises and hope to angst the anxiety.

We should get moving and work toward decreasing our inflammation and increasing our nutrition.

I encourage you to take this opportunity to reinvest in your wellbeing. Spiritually and physically.

People all over the world are experiencing suffering. And virtually the only thing we can do is take care of our bodies and pray.

Currently, it is hard to get your hands on certain supplements due to this pandemic. Fortunately, my favourite company still has stock and is offering discounts.

You can purchase all of these suggestions at a local grocery mart. Or this immune bundle through my favourite health company Ora Organic. They are currently running an immune bundle for discounted prices because of the pandemic. The people behind this company are pretty amazing. Check them out!

I wish you success in your health!


3 Clean Protein Shake Recipes for Pregnant or Breastfeeding Ladies

3 Clean Protein Shake Recipes for Pregnant or Breastfeeding Ladies

3 Clean Protein Shake Recipes for Pregnant or Breastfeeding Ladies.

Trying to eat clean can be challenging when you are craving sweets and never feel full. But I assure you when you swap out sweets for a healthy shake your body will thank you! I am sharing with you 3 clean protein shake recipes that I found kept me on track when all I wanted to do was eat cookies and crap.

When I found out I had become diabetic in this last pregnancy I was confused and devastated. I was in utter denial thinking I was a healthy eater. And for the most part I was, but the cravings got the best of me and I veered into uncharted territory. After reality set in I decided it was truly important to keep my sugars under control or I would be injecting incline and I really did not want to do that. One of my many solutions was shakes.

People turn to shakes for all sorts of reasons. You do not have to be diabetic to drink these. These recipes are packed with tons of good nutrients. So they are perfect for anyone who wants to better their health. 

Whether you are struggling with weight in your pregnancy, feel sluggish, or just want to eat clean. Here are 3 of my favourite protein shake recipes.

For the breastfeeding mammas, these shakes help keep you in great health and provides super nutrients for both you and baby. They are made from whole foods and real ingredients.

After years of drinking and testing different powders, I have finally found my staple protein powder. One that checks all the boxes for my lifestyle and health.

NO synthetic dies or ingredients you can’t pronounce. And my kiddo loves them too.  So a bonus!

Without further ado, I give you some amazing great tasting recipes to help you on your journey to internal happiness.

The Nutty Banana Chai

This is great for post-workout or breastfeeding mamas. It’s known to help you gain energy. Something we all need when being depleted.

  • 1 1/2 banana chopped ( frozen is best)
  • 2 cups of unsweetened Almond Milk ( coconut works too)
  • 2 scoops of Ora’s delicious Vanilla Chai Organic protein powder
  • 2 tablespoons of organic peanut butter ( less sugar the better)
  • A handful of walnuts or cashews
  • 1 tablespoon of organic coconut oil.

Yum, let’s get nutty!

The Recieces Peanut Butter Cup

This one is my favourite when I need something sweet. It always curbs my sweet tooth.

  • 2 cups of unsweetened Almond Milk or ( coconut water)
  • 2 scoops of Ora’s Vegan Chocolate Protein powder
  • 2 tablespoons of Organic Peanut butter ( or Almond Butter)
  • 4-5 Ice cubes and blend.

Strawberry Kiwi Smoothie with a Probiotic Boost

This one is great for hot summer days or just a refreshing drink. It’s packed with high levels of vitamin C and had a probiotic boost to help the digestive tract go smoothly.

These recipes are all super nutritious and are guaranteed to make you feel great. I fell in love with Ora Organic when I was diagnosed with severe food sensitivities after my first child. I tried so many powders all claiming health and amazing benefits, and quite frankly they all tasted terrible. There is no point to drinking a shake if it tase like crap because girl you are not going to make it again if it sucks.  

Because of my sensitivities, I was way more cautious about what was actually in my drinks. Real food and not processed junk! If your someone who cares about your insides check out this company. 

Feel free to substitute whatever protein powder you like. But, if you want to try Ora out you can get 10% off by using the discount code Livesimplystrong10

Enjoy beauty!


3 Signs your kids are lacking Magnesium and how to fix it.

3 Signs your kids are lacking Magnesium and how to fix it.

3 Signs your Kids are Lacking Magnesium and How to Fix it


I was at the park a few years ago, and my kiddo was super grumpy! Not the normal complaining but utter frustration. Everything was bothering him, the dirt on his hands, the other kids at the park, he just could not calm down and enjoy his time. I could literally hear another mom say I needed to get my kid checked out for some sort of behaviour disorder.  (Something I had been told by unwanted onlookers before.) The sight of another mom rolling her eyes at me in disgust as if she was doing it better became my norm. Then a sweet voice came from behind me, it was a friend,  and she said, “maybe he’s lacking magnesium.”

Intrigued, I turned and looked at her and thought hmm maybe she’s on to something. So I got to thinking… what have we been eating lately? Mac – n- cheese ( Check) muffins ( check) Ice cream ( check) Oh my gosh! We have been eating CRAP! I have to admit, I was pretty embarrassed.

Have you felt your precious angel has been acting out of sorts lately? Have they been moody, quicker to anger, constipated, or experiencing restless sleep? Maybe your mamma’s gut is saying something is just off! Well before you jump to the Dr for therapy recommendations check out these common signs your kids are lacking Magnesium.

3 Signs your kids are lacking Magnesium

#1 Grumpiness

So you’re running errands and out of the blue, your kiddo starts copping an attitude, rolling their eyes and just being plain grumpy. You ask yourself, what the heck is going on? Did he see something that bothered him? Did someone make him mad? Or maybe you ignore it altogether. But soon it becomes something you can’t ignore and your first thought is to invoke discipline.

But hold up right there, before you go laying down the law ask yourself these questions. How has his diet been lately? Is he getting good sleep? I know your thinking Oh my goodness really? Not another person talking diet and sleep. But seriously If their diet is lacking nutrients, it could very well be a lack of magnesium as well.


#2 Stress or Anxiety

3 signs your kid may be lacking magnesium and how to fix it.It’s normal for a child to have minimal worries, like being afraid of the dark, or monsters. But consistent worries are another thing. If your child has become more stressed and it is affecting their daily life, such as sweaty palms, saying they don’t want to go to school and so on. This could be a sign of a magnesium deficiency.

Stress can also create discipline problems and therefore adding a compound effect to the grumpiness.

Now I am not going to say Magnesium will solve this issue completely because sometimes kids have more going on like a hypersensitive personality. If that is the case check out this book. It’s great at helping you manage extreme emotions.


#3 Lack of good sleep!

Is your child complaining of leg cramps? Or having restless legs at night? Sleep is so important for their young bodies and minds. If a child is lacking magnesium it could feel like growing pains for them all the time. Have you ever had restless leg syndrome? It’s extremely uncomfortable and can create anxiety. Nothing worse than not being able to sleep and then get anxiety from it.

Now I am not saying, adding magnesium to your kid’s diet will solve all your problems, but I am saying it can help dramatically.

Here is how Magnesium helps the body

Magnesium is a mineral vital to our bodies. Having the proper levels will increase energy levels, help regulate digestion and clear up constipation. It also aids in the absorption of other vitamins like vitamin K and vitamins D as well as potassium, calcium and sodium. It has been known to relax muscles and prevent headaches. There are many more benefits but when it comes to kids these are the main factors


What foods are high in Magnesium?

Most foods like spinach, beans, nuts, seeds, broccoli, avocado, potatoes, Brussel sprouts, and bananas are high in magnesium. But if your kiddo is like mine, there may be only one item on this list they will touch. So to offset this need I use a roll-on Magnesium oil supplement. (I just roll it on the bottom of the foot at bedtime.) I swear if you are having any of these problems you need to get this oil ASAP! My friend suggested it to me and it has been amazing I have been using it for over a year now and love it.  If your children are older they can take the powder magnesium and mix it in water. It actually tastes pretty good.

Take it from me, take back your sanity and free your child from grumpiness, restless sleep, or anxiety. Often we think only adults deal with these kinds of problems but actually, our children feel the consequences too. So If your angel is moodier than normal, feeling higher levels of anxiety and cramping or having trouble sleeping. I urge you to try and supplement and see if it helps. I promise you both will be happier!

Stay Strong Mama



The Cleanest Protein Powder all Mom’s Should be Drinking!

The Cleanest Protein Powder all Mom’s Should be Drinking!

The Cleanest Protein Powder all Mom’s Should Be Drinking!


Are you lacking nutrients because you simply don’t have time to eat, or cook, or anything for that matter? Do you currently drink protein shakes and find them to be chalky or just terrible tasting? After having my little one, I turned to shakes in hopes to lose the baby weight and add in extra nutrients while I was breastfeeding. I tried quite a few, some were making me feel bloated, some were just plain terrible tasting, and some were good! I was determined to find one that was tasty, nutritious and had little to no sugar.

It wasn’t until I had my child, that I found out I was sensitive to dairy. At the time, I was drinking Orgain, a decent tasting nutritious powder. Not to mention super convenient since it was sold at Costco. My only issue was, it is a Whey based protein powder. And the sole reason I was bloating! You see, whey is a dairy protein and my body was no longer a friend to dairy!

Unbeknownst to me, my child sadly had the same problem!

So I looked to a vegetarian protein powder. Due to breastfeeding,  I was lacking nutrients and needed to supplement. I had been drinking Shakeology for a while and switched over to their vegetarian product to substitute for the Whey shake I was previously drinking.  Shakeology was great and I liked the flavour, but I especially loved that my kiddo would drink it. It is a complete nutrition shake but it was super expensive and I wasn’t a fan of the whole multi-level marketing situation that came with it.

In all effort to find a shake as nutritious as Shakeology was I got to researching. Ultimately, I found  So Lean So Clean and oh my goodness I was in love! There were so many bonuses for me when it came to this shake.  Enzymes, Probiotics and B Vitamins to name a few, have all been added to this shake.

What I love about Ora Organics So Lean So Clean!


Ok, let me back up a bit. I have been suffering from sinus issues for two and a half years so when I was researching better nutrition and stumbled upon Ora Organics I was ecstatic!

This amazing meal replacement checked all the boxes, Gluten-free, lactose-free, soy-free, non-GMO, no preservatives and no added sugar or flavourings.

Best of all, I was looking for more energy, and a natural way to regulate mood swings. In my research, I noticed an ingredient Sacha Inchi. At the time I had no idea what this was, so I looked it up and it turns out, the main function is to regulate serotonin levels. Scored!!! Seriously jumping for joy at this point when I saw this.  

There are plenty of brands on the market for you to choose from and making the decision should be based on your bodies specific needs. In my journey, I have met so many moms with specific needs and crazy allergies. Of course, there is no product or brand that is perfect for everyone, but this shake comes in pretty close!

With food sensitivities being more common, our Adrenals out of wack and amounts of stress we endure; It is extremely important for us to eat cleaner and stay nourished. This is especially the case if we are nursing mammas. ( literally getting the life sucked out of us!)

What makes this powder so clean!

So lean So Clean is a plant-based, nutrient-rich powder derived from plants. With allergies and sensitivities running wild at my home, I knew I needed to strip the diet and the added 2 servings of organic veggies per shake was a great start.

If a powder contained soy or whey I would stay away. Soy is for sure a no go because many of the soy products in the United States are Genetically Modified not to mention soy contains estrogen, a hormone we don’t need any more of, especially as hormonal moms! So Lean So Clean’s protein source comes from peas and organic plants making it a clear choice.

Ora Organic Protein powder is packed with plant-based superfoods. It includes 22 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar.  Their sugar comes from monk fruit and organic stevia which creates a balanced level of sweetness.

This high protein and little sugar content shake are great especially if you are following a low carb diet and want to lose the baby weight.

Ok, so why is Ora Organic so great for Moms?

Let’s look at a few ingredients that support a woman whos nutrients are being depleted from her body. I am not breastfeeding anymore, but I  still need more nutrients than before, just so I can function and be more present for my family. I have listed 3 ingredients I found to be exciting. I’m a dork I know! But if you want to geek out with me here you go!

  1. Acerola, This cherry helps boost immune support and is rich in vitamin C as well as being high in vitamin B and antioxidants. I’ll take that! (school season)
  2. Acai, these berries are rich in Omega fatty acids which help the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and high in iron, calcium and antioxidants
  3. Sacha Inchi, A great source of protein that helps produce serotonin. Hello, I love me some healthy serotonin levels! I’m talking to you, mood swings.

These are just a few of the ingredients Ora Organic has in their chocolate protein powder. If you would like to see the full list of details check out one of the links to their site from this post and click on the ingredient. Each ingredient will give an explanation for you.

Still nursing? No Problem!


What makes this shake so great for nursing moms? Well, it’s a nutrient-rich dense powder that is packed with enzymes to break down nutrients properly. It’s full of essential fatty acids that make your milk rich in nutrients for your baby. With a combination of ingredients that help boost milk supply.

This protein shake is gluten-free, lactose-free, and soy-free making it a green light for any potential sensitivities you or your baby may have.

Have a toddler? My little one Loves the tase!

Many children are sensitive to milk, so, giving your child a whey based protein drink may affect their tummy. Often the whey-based powder tastes better. However, this shake is super smooth and delicious. That can be hard to come by with a vegan powder.

Another bonus, a plant-based powder can give them the nutrients they may be lacking with diet while keeping their brain clear for growth.

When I was a new mom, I had no idea my sinus issues were a direct relation to a dairy allergy. It wasn’t until I saw my extremely small child break out in eczema that I ditched the dairy. My oh so favourite food!

The health and well being of my family is why I have made this protein shake my number one choice.

With all the brands on the market, it can be really hard to determine what’s right for you! Below is a  list of ingredients so you can decide for yourself.



There you have it! I truly hope this helped you as it helped me. I was so happy to have found So Lean So Clean, I had to share. If you need to make the switch from Whey to a vegetarian protein I hope you try Ora Organics out. It can be hard to make the switch but your body will thank you!


Simple Ways to Kick Candida!

Simple Ways to Kick Candida!

Are you struggling with Candida? Here are Simple ways to kick Candida. 

70% of the population is struggling with Candida and don’t even know it! Do you struggle with gas, bloating, fatigue, depression, anxiety, excess mucous, or environmental allergies? These are just a few symptoms. Unfortunately, the signs are similar to so many other health issues, but the underlining root of these issues may be coming from the overgrowth of bad bacteria in your gut. 

Candida is a bacteria we all need in our bodies. However, like everything, you don’t want too much of these critters cruising through your gut.

I was suffering from severe sinus problems (post nasal drip) that were becoming unbearable! After almost a year of research and numerous Dr. visits I concluded this 25 year, the undiagnosed problem was Candida. Unfortunately, the Dr.’s had no idea what was wrong with me. Some said GERD, some said Allergies. The point is I had to take my health into my own hands and get to the root cause. 

My journey has been long but in this experience, I hope to help others free themselves from this internal invasion.

Candida actually assists our bodies with nutrient absorption and digestion when at normal levels.

When candida overgrowth happens, there are many symptoms you might experience. Fatigue, bad breath, sinus infections, depression, weight retention, and yeast infections just to name a few. Some underlining risk factors if not treated are Diabetes, Cancer, Asthma, thyroid and adrenal dysfunction. All conditions that add weight to the midline and aid in irritability not to mention a life of medications and pain. 


So how did you actually get Candida?

Well, research has shown, excessive stress, Alchohol 🙁  sugar consumption, and coffee are contributors. Being that Candida is a bacteria, antibiotics have been known to aid in the overgrowth of candida as well. Sadly, our meat is full of antibiotics so if we are not buying grass-fed organic beef or chicken then we are consuming antibiotics on the regular.


So here are two easy way’s to see if you have Candidaways to Kick Candida


1)  According to researchers and Dr’s, take a look at your tongue. If you see a white film or coating on it, it’s called thrush. Thrush is an overgrowth of yeast and also visible signs of Candida. Make sure to look at this first thing in the morning before water intake and coffee. If the tongue is pink you’re probably ok but still may not be in the clear and I suggest to move on to the spit test anyway. 

2)  Take the spit test! ( Been found to be highly accurate)

Grab a 1/2 glass of water and spit in it every morning for 6 days. (This must be done in the morning before coffee or anything enters the body.) Next, watch the saliva for the next hour and look at what happens. 

Your Saliva will either sit on top of the water, have legs that slowly sink down or sink completely. If you have legs, you have signs of Candida. If your Saliva sinks, you have a tremendous overgrowth of Candida, and If your saliva floats your levels are normal.


Why you should take the steps to get rid of it

Candida reeks havoc on the body. The yeast that builds up in the body causes excess mucus creating a DAMP environment in the body. ( Think of Mold in your home and how damaging it is if it is not eliminated.) This is very similar to what happens on your insides.

Some symptoms you may have are, sinus infections, bloating, gas, chronic yeast infections, and dry skin. Humm sounds like way too many people out there if you ask me. In my case, my sinus started affecting my breathing ultimately creating more anxiety.

The simple steps I followed to get rid of Candida

This is not going to be easy! Let me tell you, I fought actually doing this for so long. It wasn’t until I saw my Dad really suffer from cancer that I started to take this seriously.

First! Eliminate all simple sugars and processed foods! Boooo I needed help because I was so conditioned to eating Mac n cheese and quick easy meals that the thought of actually cooking terrified me. So I signed up for a weekly meal plan that took excuses away from me. I so needed that!

Cut the Dairy until you are healed, then slowly add it back in to see if the protein is a problem for your digestion.

Do a Bone Broth Cleanse. You can make your own or purchase bone broth from various sources. I like this one from The Flavor Chef. It’s easy and delicious and I discovered it from Christa Orecchio, a woman who is extremely knowledgeable on the Candida topic and I trust completely.Kick Candida

Take a Multi Stran Pro-Biotic. I love the one by Ora Organic. I also liked Dr Axes and Plexus.

Take antifungals. There are so many supplements you can take but I really needed simple so I used Oil of Oregano and Wow that stuff is potent. You can almost feel it burning the bacteria. Good Stuff!

Ok, there you go, just a few simple ways to kick Candida and get your mojo back. I know I say simple, but I assure you it’s not easy! I know first hand how hard it is to overhaul your diet but I encourage you to try. To be able to have energy, be happy, free of stress, relieve chronic illness, and have a flat belly again are all motivators to gain your internal strength back. Good luck beauty!





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