The Ultimate Stay at Home Business for Moms!

Are you a mom looking for every opportunity to make money from home? Do you like working, but want to be home with your little ones? Or maybe you are a stay at home mom, and just looking for an outlet to step away from the craziness of parenthood. If you answered yes to any of these questions, then keep reading and I’ll tell you why blogging is the ultimate stay at home business for moms.

Let’s back up a bit… when I was pregnant, I thought I would be able to continue to work as much as I was and still be an amazing wife and mom. ( At the time, I had 3 businesses.)

I was organized, a great multi-tasker, exceptional with finances, full of energy, dedicated and focused.

Then it happened…

Seriously, I got hit by the reality bomb once that adorable angel finally was wrapped up in my arms and suddenly felt like I could not bring myself to go back to work. I didn’t want to go! This was so foreign to me because I loved my job. I even told my boss ” don’t worry, I’ll be back and working more than ever” Ha! My life was forever changed.

Being home was awesome, at first.

Then I realised, I don’t have any money. Correction, we don’t have any money. My husband fully supported me being home but we lacked the skills of exactly how to make it on one income. At the time I did not feel like I was making a difference being home with my little one. I needed to figure out how to contribute to the finances. So,  I started side businesses that were driving us crazy. With one foot in the door to the business and one foot in the door to being a stay at home mom, I never fully committing to either.

Suddenly I had this strong feeling, God wants me home.

I was scared, how on earth am I going to do this? I wrestled with God for about a year, constantly asking, are you sure? How am I going to do this? I thought to myself, how are all these people doing it? How are they able to quit their jobs and make it work? Were there husbands secretly wealthy? Am I the only broke mom out there? How did I lose myself as well as my skills? I was lost!

Do you feel this way? Confused about what you are doing and where you are supposed to be? Rummaging around trying every stay at home business you can find? Believe me, I was with you. At first, I tried what seemed like everything. MLM’s, surveys, Inbox dollars, and selling. All which finally led to me starting a blog.

Before I found Blogging

I knew I couldn’t work the same hours I once did, so in an attempt to help my husband with finances, I joined an MLM

Pumped up and ready to make millions for my family, I dedicated my nap hours to trying to build this business. If you have ever participated in a Multi-Level Marketing company you know how much work they actually are.

I spent more money on purchasing the products than I did on selling them. Hours of time wasted trying to get family and friends to join my bandwagon. Don’t get me wrong, I did love the product and it did work. I learned a ton about business and being an entrepreneur but this business just did not work for me.

Two years later and headed for bankruptcy, my husband was not a happy camper. So I finally let it go. I felt like a failure and well I guess I was. But I did learn a ton about myself so I guess I didn’t fail at all.

After the bomb of a failure, I scrambled to find my next solution

I fell down the rabbit hole of chasing pennies. Inbox dollars, cartwheel apps, surveys. Again nothing but wasting time and no value.

Finally, I gave up on trying to make money and realized I need to figure out how to live off my husbands business and try this blogging thing I had been reading about. I was introduced to blogging 4 years prior but had no confidence in my ability to write, so I blew it off!

Even though the MLM was a disaster, I gained enough confidence to believe Rosemarie Groner (another blogger) and start my blog.

The struggle is real

Again, head first into the idea of making money, and I was lost. Yet again!

So, I decided well, let’s write what I know and see how it goes. I at least felt like I was adding value to the world.

So the world of blogging became my next journey and here is what I discovered

First, it’s me! I get to be me. One of the only places in the world where I’m not biting my tongue and I get to be real. It’s amazing!

I gained more confidence and realized I actually have a lot to say!

This is a big one! I stopped feeling like I was selling people. The MLM made me feel icky. No matter how many inspiring stories I heard, it just didn’t feel honest.

I can write about what I love.

I am finally honouring my commitments! For years my clients have been asking me to deliver content they can get at any time. And for some reason, I had blinders on and did not see a blog as the outlet. It feels empowering to finally be able to come through for them.

My ignorant opinion of what I thought a blog was

I thought a blog was a ton of writing and researching for content that I did not know much about. Like a term paper.

Something only fashion people did.

Something no one read, similar to an online journal. I seriously thought blogs were for those people who couldn’t fit all they wanted to say in Facebook posts about themselves.

Clearly, none of that was true.

Originally my thought process was to make this strictly a Pilates blog, but then people started asking me how I how I got started, who I use to host my blog and all the nitty-gritty stuff about setting it up. I was spending hours helping people one by one.

So I decided to add this information as well.

It turns out, I actually love helping people get excited about their life and the possibilities blogging can bring to them.

So here we are If you have gotten this far and wondering what you could blog about. Here is a detailed list of ideas that will help you to decide if it’s right for you.


There are many bloggers that have courses on how to blog and many of them only give you half of the information only to get you to buy the next course.

It’s downright frustrating and expensive. I recommend Susie Whitman’s Course Blog by Number. Especially if you are just starting out.

I explain her course in detail and why I love it in this post, Why Blog By Number is the best course for moms. She is not only a mom but super down to earth and straight to the point. Check it out and let me know your thoughts.

If you are as frustrated as I was and determined to have the life you were meant to have, want to be home with the kids, give back to the community with your knowledge and bring in an income. Then Blogging is the best place to start.  It’s where I gained my emotional strength back and know it can do the same for you.




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