How to Get The Mildew Smell Out of Clothes!

Ok, we have all done it! Put the clothes in the washer to forget about them moments later. I have found an amazing solution for getting the mildew smell out of clothes. I can’t keep this to myself because it is incredible and it has taken me years to fix this problem.

Unfortunately, I have to wash all blankets, towels, and virtually everything in my house because I have ruined them all by leaving them in the washer.

If your anything like me, this is a common occurrence. My poor family has been walking around with an absolute stench!

I have tried everything!

If this is your first offense solution one will be your go-to.


Put a cup of vinegar in your washer and do a full cycle. This should do the trick again for the first time offender.

Next solution…

Baking soda

Ok, this works on occasion as well. Baking soda is a natural cleaner and deodorizer and sometimes it works wonders for stinky items

But the best solution I found…

Out stink

This stuff is AMAZING seriously I used it with the thought that it’s probably not going to work because I have tried everything.

Let me paint the picture for you. I have thrown out towels.. washed the Hubbs clothes 3 times before I finally give up and then sometimes think I have mastered the stench to find out one of the kiddos got his shirt wet and oh man the dreadful smell is back.

I can not believe this magic stuff was so inexpensive.

If you have the same problem, then you need to get this stuff.

Is it natural?

Ok, I need to use mostly natural products due to minor irritations to chemicals but I have not had any issues with this product.

I figure I do not need to use it as a daily cleaner so I should be good. But I have washed all blankets, towels, and clothes and no problems.

Clearly, the Vinegar and baking soda are natural, and if they work, fabulous! But in my dreadful case, I needed reinforcements.

Ok mamma, go get this stuff so your little ones are not embarrassed from being the stinky kid!

I hope you never have this problem but if you do… you now have a solution.

Take care mama you got this!



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