How to be more Mind-Body Present while Practising Pilates!

Are you just going through the motions when in Pilates class or are you truly experiencing a mind/-body connection?

Checking out is pretty common in the fitness world. The stress levels we face are exceedingly high and many people look at fitness as a way to de-stress. Going for a run clears my brain they say, or Yoga helps me empty my mind, or I have to workout or I become angry at home.

There is no dought that working out is the best outlet for the mind. Studies have shown that physical movement is the best stress reliever. However, many people look at it as such and don’t pay attention to their body in the process. Therefore, not actually gaining the true benefits of body transformation.

So I say, clear the stress not the mind, then practice Pilates!

It took me years to figure this out. I was the high-stress crazy person who loved to take on multiple jobs, help fix everyone’s problems and then leave an hour for myself to undo it all.

My workouts were always as intense as my mind was racing. Ultimately, leaving me with tension headaches, knee problems form not paying attention and a cycle that actually wasn’t healing my stress.

I was using my workouts to clear my mind but wasn’t using my mind to heal my body.

If you are experiencing low back pain while you practice Pilates, chances are you are not doing the move correctly and need to focus more on the precise movement instead of just trying to get through the set. I would challenge you to get a clear focus on how the body is feeling. That brings me to my first tip.

Stay Focused

This may seem obvious, but seriously, stay focused on the exact exercise you are doing. Don’t let the mind wander into your daily routine or what the kids are doing or what you are having for dinner. That stuff can wait. The moment you step into a movement experience, try your best to picture the body and feel what you are doing.

In Pilates, the brain has to be present! You have to constantly remind the body of what you want it to do. Ask questions to yourself. Where do I feel this? Am I experiencing any pain? Take a brain scan down the body and ask yourself, do I feel challenged, or do I feel pain? Do this with every exercise! If you experience pain, something is wrong and needs to be adjusted.

Without mindful movement, one cannot be in total control and the body becomes unconsciously forced into positions. So I plead, do not clear the mind be present, FOCUS!

“A few well-designed movements, properly performed in a balanced sequence, are worth hours of sloppy callisthenics or forced contortion.”- Joeseph Pilates

Just Breath

Take deep breaths before you start any workout! Breath is life and deep cleansing breaths not only relax, and control stress, but expels harmful germs. Ultimately cleansing from the inside out!


Here is how it’s done.

Lay down or stand tall whatever is comfortable where you are and inhale for a count of 5. 1…2…3…4…5… Then hold your breath for 3 counts. 1…2…3… and exhale for an 8 count. 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8… essentially pushing out all the air in your lungs. This helps to cleanse the lungs and prepares the brain. It triggers a release of endorphins ultimately giving us a calming effect.

Once deep breathing is accomplished you’ll be ready to FOCUS. Ultimately giving you a better more productive workout and be on your way to changing your body. I suggest starting your practice with this type of breathing and ending it the same way. Trust me, you and your body will thank me.

“Lazy breathing converts the lungs, literally and figuratively speaking, into a cemetery for the deposition of diseased, dying and dead germs.”- Joseph Pilates

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Find Your Control

The last component is to start controlling your body. With the combination of breath and focus, no longer just go through to motions of the day-to-day. Pay attention to your posture, pay attention to the movements. Be concise with the form.

Pilates is all about control. Start with the modifications! Get over the competition you are experiencing in your head, either with yourself or with your neighbour in the Pilates class. If you are competing, you are losing. I can’t stress this enough! Complete control means you know whats going on in your body. Remember, you are modifying due to an injury,  tightness or lack of strength. It is vital to work with what you got not force what you want!

The beauty of Pilates is the modifications are just as challenging as the full exercise. You are continuously growing.

When we practice mindfulness it helps us to move more fluid and more precise, allowing us to not have to spend hours in the gym.

“Concentrate on the correct movement each time you exercise, lest you do them improperly and thus lose all vital benefits.”- Joseph Pilates

Deep breathing, concentration, and a clear focus are all great ways to gain mindfulness. They not only help balance stress but are the foundations for changing your body. The next time you unroll your mat remember, take a few minutes to relax and become present with where you are. Don’t clear your mind, for the absents of the mind will lead to pain and a waste of your time.

My goal for you is to experience the freeing and transforming effects of Pilates. Once you get this, you’ll fall in love and be able to truly understand what it means to heal yourself through movement.

Have you been guilty of mindless movement? I would love to hear, comment below about your journey.


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