How Gestational Diabetes Saved My Pregnancy!

When I first found out I had Gestational Diabetes I was mortified. I thought, how could this be? I eat healthily, I work out daily, and I’m fit. At first, I was embarrassed. Negative thoughts ran through my head about what I could have done wrong.

When I met the nutritionist, I was prideful and arrogant. I mean I actually knew this stuff! My pride was radiating in my attitude. She spent an hour trying to help me with a diet that I thought was pretty impeccable. Well at least compared to most.

I was that person! The one who said, “I never eat sugar, carbs, or processed food.” That annoying person who truly believed her delusion. In an attempt to prove the Dr’s wrong about my diagnosis I started guinea pigging myself. I would eat ice cream and check my levels. Sure enough, they would spike. In fact, I started getting light-headed, my eyes got foggy and I got dizzy. So I concluded, that maybe they were correct and I would obey the doctor’s orders.

After the first week of documenting my glucose numbers and tracking my food, I made some amazing discoveries!

Potatoes killed my glucose levels instantly

Sourdough wasn’t any better than white bread. Another delusion I believed that eating fruit in the morning was a no-no!

I overindulged in my protein and had slightly too high portions.

All these little things compounded into high insulin numbers.

Still in the back of my head, I didn’t take it seriously until I found out this would possibly affect my baby!

Then I got serious.

I swallowed my pride and worked the diet. To my surprise, I did not enjoy pricking my finger 5x a day but did love how I felt! All the strange symptoms of a stuffy nose, postnasal drip, and irritability have subsided.

Although I complained about not being able to overindulge in my cravings, I was thankful to have something keeping me in check.

As a result, I did not gain much more weight. I felt great. My baby was healthy because we were closely monitored and I learned a ton about what my body likes and does not like.

Being forced to keep a food journal was key.

When my numbers were up, I could look back and see what I ate and pick out exactly what triggered the spike. If I had not been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, I would still be grumpy, and wondering why I feel like crap.

Bold statement here but…

I truly believe I bypassed postpartum depression because of the serious diet changes.

As a health professional, I often would suggest that people track their meals. Some would and some wouldn’t but the ones who did, were always more successful.

If you have been diagnosed with Gestational diabetes or borderline. Here are the tracking sheets I used and they are super helpful.


They are designed to help you plan meals, prep, and track what you ate as well as your numbers. They were key to my success and in fact, I still use them today. I no longer have gestational diabetes but I am borderline and when I get grumpy… I know that it’s a sign, that I am eating unhealthy.

Gestational diabetes doesn’t have to be a negative thing. Use it as a tool to help you get to know your body better. I promise your body will thank you for it.

Good luck beauty


P.S. If you enjoyed this post you may enjoy How to boost your immune system.



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