5 Lessons I Learned From Homeschooling!

Homeschooling is a journey I thought I would never be on! It’s one of many things I said I would never do! Low and behold, here I am and though I have good days and bad days, over all I truly do enjoy it. However, it didn’t start out that way. I didn’t see the beauty in it that first year and if that is where you are, keep reading and I promise you, you may find your joy too!


Lets get to it!

1. Don’t be so serious

Kids learn far more when having fun! I used to think we had to be at a table doing worksheets to feel like we were actually schooling. But that simply is not the case. Today we do our math on the trampoline and Science in the bathroom. We learned cursive by drawing in salt and numbers through chalk landscapes outside.

Often, my friends were nervous about art in the house and simply just didn’t do it. But art adds so many benefits in learning such as motor skills and language development, boosts brainpower by teaching creativity, visual learning, and life skills. When studying art, one must learn to follow directions. Not to mention, it’s fun.

We do art at the park, the beach, backyard, garage, and sometimes when I’m feeling brave, the dining room table.

Seriously, finding ways to make learning fun is great for you and your scholar. I promise homeschooling is sometimes for you more than for them.


2. You are not married to your curriculum

This one is huge! I used to think, once I picked a specific curriculum, I had to stick with it. What pressure that was. Honestly, that is the beauty of homeschooling. You can take out what’s not working and keep what is. There is an amazing homeschool mom that opened my eyes to this reality and I must say, it was so freeing. Her name is Sarah Mackenzie from www.readaloudrevival.com and I also read her book Teaching from rest. I highly recommend it especially if you are a stressed-out mamma.

5 Lessons I learned from homeschooling

3. Patience is key to success

I don’t know how many times I taught a principle one day and fully expected my students to get it the very next day. Patience was never my strong suit and waiting to see the fruits of my labor is still a work in progress for me. But then I take a deep breath and remind myself that learning and growing is a journey and if I am consistent, the fruit will grow and be nurtured.

I often have to remind myself I am still learning and super thankful when I receive grace when I don’t get it.

4. Laughter and music are great medicine

Many days start with great music playing while I cook breakfast. It starts our day off well and discourages any TV time. Just by playing their favorite toons preps them for a successful day. Being a homeschool mom has really allowed me to let loose and have fun. I am no longer embarrassed to dance in the kitchen or sing an off note tune to my boys.

When frustration strikes, we tell a joke or listen to music. This past year, we have integrated the Charlotte Mason methodology. (Something I never thought I would be into) In doing so, I will often play music from our composer study during math and I kid you not, our grumpy factor has diminished a few knots. It’s quite magical.

5. Although I often feel inadequate, I am enough

Inadequacy is a lie we all tell ourselves.  The words “I am enough” are true for all of us. God gave us these sweet babies because he knew we were the perfect person for the job. I may be dyslexic and a terrible speller, but my children are not and they will learn compassion for those who are. I am a far cry from the sweet kindergarten teacher, but I love my kids more than anyone else ever will and my home is a safe place for frustrations, sadness, creativity, love, and relationships.

If you are new to homeschooling, the best advice I can offer you is, The first year is a hard year so try not to be too hard on yourself or your student. Be willing to throw out what doesn’t work.


Good Luck Momma!

You got this… Stephanie


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